
标题: 进步主任
日期: 2024年1月9日
《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》的规定分类: 全职,免税
报告: 校长

索伯里学校招聘一名经验丰富的教务处主任来领导我们的教务处. 发展主任是一个高级行政职位,直接向校长汇报, 负责指导, strategizing and managing 韦德娱乐app下载地址’s philanthropic endeavors, 包括年度, 资本和捐赠基金, major gifts and planned giving programs; marketing and communications; advancement services; parent and 校友 relations; and auction/special events, including the upcoming Centennial celebration (October 2025). Working closely with the 校长, 发展主任将制定和实施计划,并设定与学校优先事项一致的目标, meet the school’s financial objectives, 并与对一所蓬勃发展的私立学校至关重要的各种支持者——校友——保持积极的关系, 现任和前任父母, 教职员工, members of the 校董会, 以及当地社区. The expected start date of this position is flexible. 该校已聘请Big Back Pack在全国范围内招聘这一关键领导职位. For more information, contact 黑客钻r at hacker@bigbackpack.org.


  • 制定和实施策略性筹款计划和倡议,以满足学校当前和未来的财务需求, in coordination with the 校长 and 校董会
  • Launch and guide the School’s next capital campaign
  • 与招生办协调,监督所有市场和沟通活动
  • Direct and oversee the annual fund and other internal, 社区, and special events fundraising activities
  • Direct and oversee parent and 校友 relations programs
  • 与校友活动总监合作,确保即将到来的计划和执行
  • Centennial celebration meet the goals of the School
  • Oversee advancement services activities to ensure the integrity, 安全, 准确传播所有支持学校发展的数据, and  maintains the confidentiality of sensitive information, 维护捐赠者权利法案和其他职业道德标准
  • Develop and cultivate potential new relationships for the school, and serve on behalf of the school with major donors, 主要社区组织, 媒体, 和其他人
  • Ensure that 韦德娱乐app下载地址’s advancement, 数据输入, 接受礼物的政策和程序符合专业的最佳做法和当地的, 状态, 联邦法律
  • 领导和指导先进团队的成功(目前是一个9人的团队)
  • Serve as the 工作人员 liaison for Board and ad hoc committees, as required
  • 制定战略,并在危机/紧急情况下担任主要联络联系人
  • Man年龄 various budgets integral to the Advancement Office
  • Serve as a member of the Senior Staff
  • 担任周末值班人员,每年4次6小时轮班,监督寄宿学生的周末活动
  • Other duties as assigned by the 校长


  • Bachelor’s degree in business or related field 
  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant experience in a non-profit environment
  • Ability to communicate effectively with school representatives, 父母, 学生, 校友, donors and representatives from the business 社区
  • Ability to think and plan strategically and creatively
  • Demonstrated ability to man年龄 fundraising programs, including success with soliciting major philanthropic gifts
  • 有领导成功的多年筹款活动经验者优先考虑
  • 熟练掌握各种技术,包括Google Suite和Raiser 's Edge NXT
  • Demonstrated ability to man年龄 personnel
  • Demonstrated ability to plan and execute special events
  • Ability to travel and work occasional evenings and weekends, as needed

Physical Requirements and Work Environment

  • Generally works in standard office conditions and climate
  • 在特殊活动和筹款活动期间,偶尔在室外天气条件下工作
  • 能在高压力环境下工作,应对各种挑战, deadlines and a varied and diverse array of contacts
  • May work at a desk and computer for extended periods of time
  • Required to travel, including internationally
  • 偶尔举起30磅.

这里描述的工作环境特征代表了员工在执行这项工作的基本职能时可能遇到的环境特征. 可以提供合理的便利,使残疾人能够履行基本职能.

韦德娱乐app下载地址学校为所有符合条件的员工提供有竞争力的工资和全面的福利, 包括:

  • 医疗 & Vision Insurance (free option for employees and employee plus children)
  • 牙齿保险
  • 403 (b) defined contribution retirement plan
  • Generous Paid Time Off (PTO) and School Holidays
  • Short and Long Term Disability insurance, life insurance

这里描述的工作环境特征代表了员工在执行这项工作的基本职能时可能遇到的环境特征. 可以提供合理的便利,使残疾人能够履行基本职能.

韦德娱乐app下载地址学校为所有符合条件的员工提供有竞争力的工资和全面的福利, 包括: 

  • 医疗 & Vision Insurance (free option for employees and employee plus children)
  • 牙齿保险
  • 403 (b) defined contribution retirement plan
  • Generous Paid Time Off (PTO) and School Holidays
  • Short and Long Term Disability insurance, life insurance

As part of the terms for employment and in accordance with 状态 law, all employees undergo national, 状态 and local background checks before starting. 就业也取决于是否有能力通过提供适当的文件来完成I-9表格和所需的认证来确定在美国就业的资格. All employees must have reliable transportation to and from school, and a valid driver's license is required.

有兴趣和合格的候选人应通过电子邮件提交, 和作为单独的PDF文档, 以下材料:

  • A cover letter expressing their interest in this particular position
  • 一个当前的薪金
  • A one-p年龄 状态ment of professional philosophy and leadership practice
  • An annotated list of five professional references with name, 电话号码, 和电子邮件地址(只有在候选人事先批准的情况下才会联系推荐人). 

All materials should be sent via email to:
President and Managing Director

自1925年成立以来,索伯里学校一直是进步教育的领导者.  我们是一所男女同校的寄宿和走读学校,招收9-12年级的225多名学生. 

Solebury is an Equal Opportunity Employer.